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    Some Saturdays: 10:15AM - 3:00PM


Browsing Category

Improving Vagal Tone 

How the Wandering Nerve can bring stability to your health The Vagus Nerve Literally translated as “The wandering nerve” the vagal nerve starts in the brain (cranial nerve #10) and then travels down the neck, across the chest and into ...
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Castor Oil Pack

Castor oil is derived from the bean of the castor plant.  When taken internally it acts as a powerful, purgative laxative, and as such has a negative image among people familiar with this effect.  (So please don’t take it internally!) ...
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Digestion Perfection

Digestion used to be my superpower. I’d wake up in the morning ready full of energy and ready to “go”, then get on with starting therest of day with a solid sense of accomplishment and freedom already checked off of ...
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Why do you eat?

There are many reasons why people eat:  hunger, boredom, stress, self-sabotage, pleasure, time cues, social cues, and reward, to name a few.  The motivation to eat may change throughout the day, or from day to day.  This is the deep ...
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SIBO, IBS and You

Is your digestion anything less than a smooth sailing system? Food accepted kindly by your body with appreciation, and waste removed comfortably and predictably like a well oiled machine? Effortless digestion is a reality for many people and is a ...
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Metabolic Syndrome & Cardiovascular Health

The so-called ‘Western Diseases’ that have become commonplace diagnoses in our societies are particularly frustrating for me because they are so easily prevented. Diseases such as Type II Diabetes (also referred to as ‘adult onset diabetes’ even though it often ...
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Digestion and your Bones

You are not necessarily what you eat, but you are what you absorb! In order to liberate the minerals in our food for absorption there must be adequate stomach acid.  Stomach acid is also necessary for protein digestion (and remember ...
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